Google Domain

Google Domains is a domain registration service offered by Google

which publicly launched in the United States on January 13, 2015.

It is currently in the Beta stage.

Google Domains, if you are new, is a domain registration service where you can buy new domain names or transfer your existing domains from another registrar into the Google service. There’s no official announcement yet but Google Domains are now available in India without you having to use any hacks or proxy servers.

Apart from domain registration, the service offers, at no additional cost, private domain registration, DNS hosting, dynamic DNS, domain forwarding and email forwarding to any Gmail address. Google Sites can be automatically configured as a website builder, but Google Domains also offer one-click configuration for Squarespace,, Weebly and Shopify. Google also will connect the domain name to a Blogger blog if so chosen. As of June 2017, Google Domains offer over 60 top-level domains.

This is how Google Domain is very much Trusted by Billions of Internet users or Domain Owners. Unlike other domain registrars that offer discounts and freebies for every purchase, Google is currently not providing any incentive or deals to customers. Some domain registrars even offer custom email addresses at no charge. Google, however, requires customers to purchase customized email addresses by signing up for its paid software service, GSuite.

Looking at all of the above things for any service provider or services the base pillars are Uptime and SLA. Well, GOOGLE is absolutely famous for maintaining the same at its highest peak resulting ZERO / NULL impact on your Business.

That’s the BEST reason to go for GOOGLE Domains.